Remove Expired Students from Circle using Zapier Tables

We worked with a client who offers a high-ticket, limited-access course. To create a seamless, automated removal process, we utilized Zapier Tables and Circle for the workflow.

Our primary goal of this project was to free up admin tasks, to create more time for marketing and community engagement. To achieve this, we began with an audit to determine what areas could be automated and improved (see below).

The left-side workflow represents the original, very manually-driven process. The right; the new, streamlined one. As shown, the new workflow has zero manual items that the client’s team needs to complete.

One key achievement of this new workflow aside from the original goals, is that customers can purchase and enroll at any time. Previously our client was manually producing an invoice for interested students when requested; aka several thousands of dollars were lost over time.

 Breaking down the new process (in case the picture is hard to read): 

  1. Leads visit sales page; 

  2. Checkout using Thrivecart; 

    1. Automation 1: Redirect to Circle to create an account, 

    2. Automation 2: Added to Convertkit to receive welcome sequence, 

  3. Complete Course in Circle; 

    1. Automation 3: Convertkit sequence to renew access after 6mon, 

    2. Automation 4: Removed from all community spaces if not renewed. 


At the time of this project, Circle does not offer the ability to remove members after a certain date — nor can this be achieved with a simple, multi-step Zap.


So what’s the solution? Zapier’s new feature, Tables. 

Zapier Tables (available on all plans), houses data from any connected tool or can be manually added using CSV. For our client, Zapier Tables is updated with every new checkout from Thrivecart, including the students’ name, email, and enrollment date.

They are then added to Convertkit to receive a welcome sequence.


Next, a multi-step Zap is triggered by a a Boolean filter to remove the members after the 6 month expiration date. Boolean is a fancy formula term, for “is this true”. So if the 6-month expiration date is TODAY, then remove them. 

That’s it!

Written By: Sara Loretta

👋🏼 Sara Loretta is the Chief Digital Architect & Founder @ _systms — she’s also the 10th US Certified Notion Consultant, and 1st Certified Paperform Expert. Through her work and creatorship, Sara is focused on connecting and educating teams on tech, workflows, and all the ways they can optimize their business to scale. 


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