Creator Wizard



Creator Wizard is an educational brand that helps creators find and land paid brand deals. Through their Gifted to Paid and Brand Deal Wizard programs, Justin Moore (founder) offers extensive resources for creators and has helped them land more than $4 million in deals.


Justin hired us to create Notion dupes of two specific resources for his programs that were originally built in Google Sheets.

First, the Brand Deal Calculator. This doc required several calculation formulas to help creators determine what to charge for a brand deal based on views, clicks, and exclusivity.

Second, the coveted Sponsorship Wheel Tracker. This doc follows a general leads pipeline, but includes formulas to entice the creator to continue relationships with brands after the initial collaboration.

We also provide community support for any member who is new to Notion and/or using these templates to ensure implementation runs smoothly.

Creator Wizard is also a design client of Sara’s. She’s developed several templates for the community such as media kits, and most recently, redesigned the Creator Wizard website.




Testimonial from Justin Moore, founder of Creator Wizard


Brand Deal Calculator Template | After reviewing the current resources, we determined the best course of action for replication into Notion. The biggest hurdle was determining how best to translate the use of vertical + horizontal formulas in Google Sheets, as formulas only work horizontally in Notion. Our solution was to create separate views per item, as seen below.

Sponsorship Wheel | The Sponsorship Tracker design process was a little more involved given the extensive formulas used to create triggered tasks and guided next steps, based on Justin’s teaching model. For instance, at each phase of the pipeline, there is a dedicated step to complete, such as “send an invoice reminder”, which then triggers the next action. All viewable from the front of each card & dictated by date and select properties inside.

Take a peek into the formulas we used:

  • if(prop("Invoice Action") == "Paid", "Deal Complete 🔔 Time to Re-Pitch! ", if(prop("Pipeline") == "1 | Pitch", "🔔 Reminder | Submit Pitch", if(prop("Pipeline") == "2 | Negotiate", "🔔 Reminder | Submit Proposal", if(prop("Pipeline") == "3 | Contract", "🔔 Reminder | Submit Contract", if(prop("Pipeline") == "4 | Concept", "🔔 Reminder | Submit Concept", if(prop("Pipeline") == "5 | Produce", "🔔 Reminder | Submit Draft Content", if(prop("Pipeline") == "6 | Feedback", "🔔 Reminder | Collect Feedback", if(prop("Pipeline") == "7 | Publish", "🔔 Reminder | Check Go-Live Date!", if(prop("Pipeline") == "8 | Analyze", "🔔 Reminder | Send Invoice + Post Campaign Report", if(prop("Pipeline") == "Pending Payment", "Send Payment Reminder", if(prop("Pipeline") == "Deal Completed", "🔔 Time to Re-Pitch!", if(prop("Pipeline") == "Deal Paused", "🔔 Time to Re-Engage!", if(prop("Pipeline") == "Pitch Declined", "🛑 Re-pitch in 6 months", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 14, "Pitch | Followup 4️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 7, "Pitch | Followup 3️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 6, "Pitch | Followup 2️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") <= 5, "Pitch | Followup 1️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 179, "🔔 Time to Re-Pitch!", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 15 and prop("Number of Pitches") >= 5, "💤 Zombie Time", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 14 and prop("Number of Pitches") >= 4, "Pitch | Followup 4️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 7 and prop("Number of Pitches") == 3, "Pitch | Followup 3️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 6 and prop("Number of Pitches") == 2, "Pitch | Followup 2️⃣", if(prop("Inquiry Days") >= 5 and prop("Number of Pitches") <= 1, "Pitch | Followup 1️⃣", "")))))))))))))))))))))))

  • if(contains(prop("Step"), "Followup"), "🛑 Pitch Followup", if(empty(prop("Inquiry Date")), "🛑 Add Inquiry Date", if(empty(prop("Proposal Accepted")), "🛑 Pitch Followup", if(empty(prop("Contract Due")), "✅ Ready for | Phase 3 - Contract", if(empty(prop("Concept Due")), "✅ Ready for | Phase 4 - Concept", if(empty(prop("Concept Accepted")), "✅ Ready for | Phase 5 - Produce", if(empty(prop("Feedback Due")), "✅ Ready for | Phase 6 - Feedback", if(empty(prop("Go-Live Date")), "✅ Ready for | Phase 7 - Publish", if(empty(prop("Invoice Sent")), "✅ Ready for | Phase 8 - Analyze", if(empty(prop("Invoice Paid")), "🛑 Payment Pending", "🛑 Create a new pitch card"))))))))))


Brand Deal Calculator


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