Page Verification for Notion Databases


superSYSTM™ Details

Have the features of a Notion wiki in any database
within your workspace to verify pages and assign updates.


✓ Notion Plus recommended

Installation Guide


Step 1 Create Database

Step 2 Add Properties

  • Aa Title: SOP

  • Team (select) — all departments

  • Verify (select) — For 30 Days, For 90 Days, Indefinitely, Out of Date

  • Updates (formula — see below)

  • Created Time

  • Page Owner (person)

  • Last Edited Time

  • Last Edited By

  • Verify Due (formula — see below)

  • Verify Days (number)

  • Verify Assignee (person)

  • optional - turn on sub-tasks for subdocs

  • optional - AI summary of page “SOP Overview”

Step 3 Add Formulas

  • if( prop("Verify") == "Out of Date", "‼️ Review & Update PRD", if( prop("Verify") == "For 90 Days", "verified until " + formatDate(dateAdd(prop("Last Edited”), 90, "days"), "MMMM DD, YYYY"), if( prop("Verify") == "For 30 Days", "verified until " + formatDate(dateAdd(prop("Last Edited”), 30, "days"), "MMMM DD, YYYY"), if( prop("Verify") == "Indefinitely", "on " + formatDate(prop("Last Edited”), "MMMM DD, YYYY"), "on " + formatDate(prop("Last Edited”), "MMMM DD, YYYY") ) ) ) )

  • dateAdd(prop(“Last Edited”), prop(“Verify Days”), "days")

Step 4 Customize Layout

  1. Open any page in the database

  2. Hover near the title/page icon, and select “Customize Layout”

  3. In Panel;

    1. (optional) Create a group for SOP Overview, then Move to Page

    2. (optional) Create a group for Subdocs, then Move to Page

    3. Click on the top of the page to add Pinned Properties:

      1. Team,

      2. Verify,

      3. Updates

    4. Add all remaining properties to Property Group — leave in side panel:

      1. Primary Doc (optional if using sub-tasks)

      2. Owner

      3. Created Time

      4. Last Edited

      5. Last Edited By

      6. Verify Due

      7. Verify Days

      8. Verify Assignee

  4. Click “Apply to All Pages”

If followed, your layout should look like this

Step 5 Add Database Automations

These automations will trigger actions for re-verifying and assigning the appropriate person to update the page. Note: only Workspace Owners or paid users with Full Access can build automations.

Verify Due Calculator

Trigger: Any property edited


  1. Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is 90 Days; Verify Days = 90

  2. Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is 30 Days; Verify Days = 30

  3. Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is Indefinitely; Verify Days = 0

Verify Notification

Trigger: Any property edited

Action: Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify Due Start Date is Today; add Variable (Page Owner); then update Verify Assignee with a custom formula - use the Variable

Verify Indefinitely

Trigger: Any property edited

Action: Edit pages in [database name] matching Verify is Empty; change Verify to Indefinitely

Step 6 Add Your Wiki Items!

Customizable Options

✓ Verification Options
✓ Department Categories
✓ Wiki Page Template

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