Auto-Add Google Calendar Events for Project Management

When a client books a strategy session, this zapier workflow auto-adds a 30-minute prep block right before the scheduled time.

When launching a project, usually the team starts with a kickoff call or strategy session to collect necessary information and better understand pain points & goals in order to develop the perfect solution for the client.

Within our workflow at _systms™, we prompt clients to schedule this call during their onboarding – so do several of our own clients. 

However, we've heard from many teams that they often forget to allot time to prepare for this call, and either end up double-booked or worse, under-prepared. To address this, we implemented a simple Zapier workflow to streamline preparation and avoid scheduling conflicts.

Watch the step-by-step video or follow the instructions below.


The Zapier Workflow

This workflow is simple, but requires a paid Zapier plan to utilize the “Formatter” tool. The goal of this workflow is to create a Google Calendar event to prepare for a call, 30 minutes before the call is set to begin.

Step 1 Trigger: New Google Calendar Event

Step 2 Formatter by Zapier

Step 3 Action: Create Google Calendar Event

To setup this Zapier workflow, follow the steps below:


Step 1 Trigger: New Google Calendar Event

One thing to note, I have several standalone calendars in my Google Calendar. One specifically for Client Calls. This is helpful, especially in workflows to not need to rely on an additional step of filtering the events from the trigger.


  • Trigger Event: New Event


  • Calendar (ours is Client Calls)


  • Select the record that best matches this workflow (i.e. Strategy Session for X)

Step 2 Formatter by Zapier

The Formatter tool will calculate the date/time for step 3.


  • Action Event: Date / Time


  • Transform: Add/Subtract Time

  • Input: select the date from the original calendar event in step 1

  • Expression: -30 minutes (or whatever amount of time you need, e.g. +1 hour)

  • To Format: MMMM DD YY HH:mm:ss

Step 3 Action: Create New Event

This action step will create the new event prior to the calendar event in step 1.


  • Action Event: Create Detailed Event


  • Calendar: select the appropriate one if you have multiple, for us we are adding this event to our Project Management calendar

  • Summary: name your event, for us it’s “Prep for [add original event name]

  • Start Date & Time: use the Output from Step 2 Formatter

  • End Date & Time: use the date from Step 1

  • (add any other info necessary)

This Zapier workflow can be replicated for various uses, not just for project management. We recommend taking a look at your processes and past calendars to identify recurring items such as this to automate in the future.

Written By: Sara Loretta

👋🏼 Sara Loretta is the Chief Digital Architect & Founder @ _systms — she’s also the 10th US Certified Notion Consultant, and 1st Certified Paperform Expert. Through her work and creatorship, Sara is focused on connecting and educating teams on tech, workflows, and all the ways they can optimize their business to scale. 

Need help getting started? Talk to us.


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